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The objects shown here are part of a research project about the ugliness experienced during the pandemic period in Brazil .

In addition to carrying the subjective ugliness of the situation into which I was placed, I attempted to dissociate myself from classical aesthetics expectations during the creative process, without the necessity to reach the divinely beautiful.

The works Bolsa de Angustia, Coração Isolado, Aperdimente, and Fragmentos&Conexões, which are all part of the Invencionices collection, each artistically and subjectively materialize the aches and worries I experienced.

They are one-of-a-kind artworks, to wear feelings.

This collection of objects is the result of the master's dissertation entitled  The ugly as a contextual experience of our contemporaneity,  Carolina Melo (2022).

Design: Carolina Melo  Photograph:  Hannah Sá

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